Welfare & tenant wellbeing checks on your behalf

UK social housing landlords have responsibilities to their tenants that encompass both the condition of the property and the wellbeing of the inhabitant. It’s fair to say there is an increasing professional crossover between being a social housing property manager and a welfare officer.
It’s an aspect that can be exposed when negative housing stories find their way into the national press – ‘missed opportunities’ are usually to blame, with all stakeholders facing scrutiny. As a result, social landlords are having their duty of care redefined – almost by default.
There is greater emphasis than ever on property visits and condition checks, but it can be a challenge to deliver the service landlords want and meet KPIs demanded by National Safeguarding Guidelines when time and resources are limited.
Viewber is already helping Social Landlords struggling with workloads and staffing. We developed a programme of verification, plus abandonment and welfare checks, in consultation with some of the sector’s leading providers. To understand how we are evolving our services in conjunction with the experts, you may like to view our video vlogs with social landlord/housing association experts James Tickell and Jonathan Gregory.
Building on our already successful accompanied viewing service, our Viewbers can be the eyes, ears – and sometimes noses – of social landlords. Viewber’s unique framework of appointment booking and reporting is a completely digital affair, and there is no minimum number of visits required to qualify as a client.
Welfare checks
A Viewber can assist in carrying out basic welfare checks. Concerns will be noted and passed on to the property manager, with special attention paid to the tenant’s health and mental wellbeing. We find that during a Viewber-led visit, tenants will often divulge worries and problems the social landlords can be quick to act upon. Sometimes a visual inspection is all we need to acknowledge that a person needs more support. Regular welfare checks are vital for tenants already identified as vulnerable, but they should also be part of a social landlord’s holistic approach to property management as they can spot red flags before they develop into serious problems.
Property abandonment checks
From mobile calls that constantly flip to voicemail to unread emails, staying in touch with elusive tenants can be tricky. It’s not always obvious whether property managers have a very busy person on their hands, have the wrong ‘phone number noted down or are being avoided for a reason. If you’re trying to check whether a tenant is still living at a property, visiting in person is sometimes the only way to establish whether a tenant has vacated. Our property abandonment service involves a Viewber visiting the property, checking for signs of occupation, hopefully meeting the tenant and taking photographic evidence to confirm the status of habitation.
Routine & vacant property visits
Wellbeing and welfare are intrinsically linked with the condition of a property, and a tenant may feel more comfortable showing a person an issue rather than detailing it on a form. A Viewber will use all their senses to document problems. If they are shown, or see, mould, cracks or structural defaults, they will put this in writing and back it up with photographic evidence. If they smell damp, burning, gas, cigarette smoke or an illegal substance, a Viewber will add details to the report. If a property feels unusually cold or hot or if the tenant complains of an issue with the central heating, it will be recorded.
Fire door, smoke detector & carbon monoxide alarm checks
The new Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 requires property managers to implement a greater level of fire checks in tenanted blocks and individual properties. A Viewber can carry out smoke and CO2 alarm tests on your behalf, completing audible and visual checks with photographic evidence and follow-up notes. They can also perform 5-point fire door and exit safety checks, looking for notable gaps, damage to seals and any potential issues with doors closing.
Tenancy verification
Without regular visits, it can be hard to keep track of who is living in a property. As well as over occupancy and unauthorised people moving in after an abandonment, sub-letting is an issue in social housing. A local Viewber can visit any given property, speak to the occupier present, conduct a verification process, take photographic evidence and report back with their findings.
Evenings, weekends & Bank Holidays for maximum convenience
A Viewber’s distinct advantage over office staff is extended availability – evenings, weekends and Bank Holidays included. You can book a Viewber for when the tenant will most likely be in or is convenient when considering their schedule – even if this is outside of office hours.
If you would like to work with Viewber and add a property professional ‘on call’ service to make a variety of different property visits, please get in touch. All our services can be booked as stand-alone visits or can be combined for the most efficient use of a Viewber’s time.